Tella: The Instant Shopping Cart App

Scan a product from printed or visual media into your shopping cart, and checkout instantly!

Scan a barcode from printed or visual media using the app
View the item and add it to your shopping cart
Specify delivery details and securely pay!
Track your order and get updates from sellers

A new, easy way to order and pay

Tella can be used in a wide variety of ways:

    Purchasing products or services instantly from a printed catalogue or flyer
    Paying bills sent in the mail
    Donating to charities or causes
    Purchasing or renewing subscriptions
    Scanning codes on billboards and posters through to emails and TV ads

Simply scan the barcode and proceed straight to payment!

Find out more about Tella

For Businesses & Organisations

Do you distribute catalogues or flyers, or would you like to? Do you send bills/invoices to your customers?

Tella has the potential to dramatically increase order response rates by making it easy for customers to order immediately from your printed or visual media.

Tella also provides a full suite of marketing, e-commerce and order fulfilment services, including:

  • Catalogue design & Tella barcode generation
  • Integration with your sales and inventory management systems
  • Warehousing and order fulfilment
  • Have an e-commerce website and/or app? Tella can seamlessly integrate with your platforms. Otherwise, use Tella without needing to develop anything!

For Shoppers

Enjoy browsing through printed catalogues and flyers?
Receive bills or letters from businesses or charities?

Order and pay for items seamlessly and instantly with the Tella app!

Supported sellers include:

Download the free mobile and tablet app

Click below to download for iOS or Android

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Gnangara WA, Australia
+61 4 248 0800